Sunday, April 28, 2013

For Sale!

We are selling our 1990 Ford Thunderbird if anyone is interested! It has been a great car for us, but with the expanding belly and then having a carseat to put in the back, the coupe just isn't going to do it anymore. 
We just put a brand new battery in it last weekend and cleaned it up really good. 
Here are some pictures!

As you can see, there are some asthetical things such as the plastic dash in the front splitting and it has some rust and paint chips and things like that. Most of the mechanical things inside the car work very well, some are left a little wanting but mechanically this car is solid! 

It has gotten us from Rexburg to Boise multiple times and from Rexburg to Salt Lake and from Boise to Salt Lake. We even took it clear from Rexburg to Portland and back and it was driven to Rexburg from Seattle. It drives so smooth and is really a fun car to drive. One of the things that doesn't work on it however, is the odometer. It stopped at 233K miles and that was before we got it. We are estimating that it has close to 300K on it now. But we have never had any problems with the engine or anything. The only thing we have had to do to it was replace the battery and that was just because it was from 2007 and died. 

We are selling it for $1000 so if you are interested let me know! :)

In other news:
Remember the awesome car that we bought last week? Well it had a few things that needed to be fixed on it so we have slowly been fixing them. The first thing we fixed was the driver's side mirror. It was broken and so we took it into A-1 Windshield and they replaced it for $25! They are so awesome!
The headlights were foggy so we got a headlight restoration kit and shined them up as well. Here are some before and after pictures of it! Don't they look great??
 Isn't he just the cutest? 

This was just with the left side done but doesn't it look great? :) My hubby is pretty talented huh?
I guess I don't have a picture of it with both headlights done but it looks way good. 

The next thing to be done is the license plate holder on the front is broken and needs to be replaced. I looked on and found one for around $8 so I will be ordering that within the next few days. 
Tomorrow we are taking it into a mechanic because we are pretty sure that the timing belt is the original one and since it has 102K miles on it, we need to get it changed. Otherwise it could completely destroy the engine if that breaks. No thanks, I don't want to buy a new engine. After that, I think that will be all that needs to be done to it! And it hopefully won't cost us too much. Starving college kids and all. All in all though I have been so happy with it! I love to drive it and do you want to know what the best part is? It only costs $35 to fill the tank :) Now that I can handle!! All we have to do now is think of a name for it. If you have any suggestions let me know! I'm drawing a blank! :) 

Well, I think that's enough for now, I'll probably post again within the next few days with a baby post. It's been a while since I've taken a belly picture and it is about time I fix that situation :) 
Until next time!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We bought a new car!

Yep you read that right! We bought a new car! Well, it's a 2004 so it's not necessarily new but it's new to us! And I LOVE it!!! I like the T-Bird that we have but with it being a 1990 and a coupe and my being pregnant and it having so many miles on it and it not getting super wonderful gas mileage, we decided that we needed to get something different. So we have been looking around and I found a 2004 Dodge Neon for sale here in Rexburg in our price range. We went and looked at it on Monday and test drove it and then had our friend come with us on Tuesday to check it over and then we handed over the $3600 smack-a-roos and drove off with it! And I LOVE it! It drives so well, and it's easier to get in and out of. And it's a 4 door which means that I can get a car seat in the back much easier than I would have been able to in the T-Bird. The guy that we got it from said that it gets around 30 mpg on the freeway which is better than our other car.  

Here's a picture!! 

We got it licensed, the title transferred and insurance put on it and so we are ready to roll! It is so much fun to drive. 
So we are selling the T-Bird if anyone is interested. We just put a brand new battery in it this weekend and it still runs great! It will be posted on Craigslist, KSL and facebook so keep your eyes peeled! :)

In other news, school started this week and it's been going pretty well. I am just taking classes on campus Tuesday and Thursday and taking 3 online classes so I am home MWF which has been really nice. I get so much done around the house. I don't think I have ever finished laundry in one day like I did today. It was great! 
Jake likes his classes too. His Monday, Wednesday classes are killer because they are spread clear throughout the day. He starts at 7:45, comes home at 9 and then has a 2 hour break before his next class. Then he has an hour break between that and then two classes back to back until 5:30. It is long but he is doing great and Fridays he only has one class in the morning. It will be nice to be able to have a long weekend almost instead of being stuck in classes all day Friday :) 

Anyways, that's what's going on with us. Until next time!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


So Monday afternoon we went to the doctor's office for the official ultrasound where they measure a bunch of stuff and make sure that everything looks good. We got there and told the tech that we had gotten one done about a month ago and that they had told us it was a girl. She checked to make sure that they were right aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand..............They were wrong! We have a very healthy baby boy growing! He definitely wasn't shy about showing us the goods, it was almost like he was saying stop calling me a girl! 
We weren't all that surprised actually when she told us that our little girl is really a little boy because that is what we had thought it was all along. I had resigned myself to the fact that we were having a girl and I was excited about it and had picked out some outfits and fabric already but Jake always thought that the first tech was wrong and that we were having a boy. He said that he just didn't see us with a girl yet, like it didn't fit. And he was right! 

Here are the pictures we got from it :)

See, definitely boy ;)

Here's some profile shots of our little cutie :) I can't wait to hold him!!!

In this one he is yawning. It was pretty cool to watch him do that on the screen. 

We are super excited about this little guy and can't wait for him to get here! We set up the crib today in the spare room and cleaned that out. The crib is filled with the other baby stuff that we have so that there is room  for other things, like the air mattress we are hoping will fit when my family comes to visit us this weekend! 

Want to know something really kind of freaky? We hare having a baby in less than 15 weeks! 15 weeks!!!! That is so crazy! And a little overwhelming to be honest. But I am getting really really excited and can't wait for him to get here so I will be able to hold him and see what he looks like. There is a myth about the Smith gene and that is that the Smith babies have big heads. Ouch. Not excited for that part haha.

I am 24 weeks and 4 days as of today and baby measures in at 24 weeks exactly. The tech said that he is estimated to be about 1 lb 8 oz so right on schedule. I have been so tired the last couple of days because we have been moving our stuff back into our apartment and getting it just put back together before school starts next week. I am taking two classes on campus and 3 online this semester so that if this little wiggler comes early I won't miss ALL my classes. This semester Jake and I are taking a class together :) I think it is going to be fun since I've never taken a class with him before. Anyways, that's a little bit about what's been going on here in good old Rexburg :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Three More Days

Yep, only three more days until we are going back to Rexburg. We are a little sad to be leaving here, it's been warm and we have made some awesome friends that we are going to miss but for the most part, we are SOOOO ready to go back. I can't tell you how tired I am of seeing women in next to no clothing on every billboard and in every store. The traffic here is insane too. It's either stomping on the gas or stomping on the brake, there's not really any in between. 
Something that I'm not looking forward to however, is the weather change! 

Take a look. We are going to be going from nice 80-90 degree weather, sun shining, birds singing etc.....

To this. 40-50 degree weather and RAIN/SNOW MIX on Monday with no birds or sunshine! Our first full day back. Yuck. 

I can't wait to get back to all of our stuff and be in a place where we feel comfortable again, but I mean come on! Last week Rexburg was coming up on 60 degrees! Can't we have that back instead? Pretty please? haha 

Ok I will stop ranting about the weather. On to other news, how about baby news!
As of today I am 23 weeks and 5 days.

 Sounds great huh! Until I realize that there are only 16 weeks and 2 days until this little girl is supposed to show her shining face! AHHHHH!!!!! That hit me a few days ago and I started to freak out just a little. 16 weeks?? What?? Jake and I as PARENTS? What in the world were we thinking. Then I calm down and realize that I'm just like every other pregnant woman out there freaking out that there is actually going to be another person that I am responsible for coming soon. Nope, doesn't really help. But I am so excited to be a mom. I can't wait! And the grandmas have already gotten the bug too. 

My mom has been making an I-Spy quilt for the baby as well as gotten some super cute clothes for her! And the same goes for my Mother-in-Law who has made some burp cloths, a blanket and gotten some outfits for her too. We went to St George a few weeks ago and met up with Jake's parents and Dawn and I went and picked out fabric for another quilt and I am so excited for it! 

We haven't gotten too much for her yet since we are in Vegas and only have what space we have in the truck to move back but we did buy a crib! For only $50! AND it comes with a mattress. 

We were at a friends house one afternoon and their neighbor saw that I was pregnant and asked if we had a crib yet and that he had one that they used for a couple weeks and then decided they didn't want it anymore and got a different one. We asked him how much he wanted for it and he said $50 and you can have everything! So we got the crib (which converts into a toddler bed!), mattress, 3 sets of fitted sheets, and two mattress pad things. Can you say STEAL???? I wanted it but knew that there was no way we would be able to get it home so I started to say no but then Jake said we will take it! I was like wait a minute, did that just come out of your mouth? haha He said it wouldn't be a problem to get it back with us since we have the truck, we can just lay it across the top and strap it down. So I gave him a big kiss and we bought it :) 

I can't wait to get back to Rexburg and clean out the spare room we have and get going on baby room! Expect to see a lot of stuff up for sale. We will have a fondue pot, roaster oven/pan, a blender and lots of other neat stuff so stay tuned! 

Something else that I am really excited for is my family is coming to visit us when we get back to Rexburg! Yay!! They will be hanging with us the weekend after we get back and I can't wait! Slumber party at the Smith's! :) 
Aren't we a cute bunch? :) I can't wait to see them! 

Ok well that's enough for today. Until next time!