Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cherry Festival in Emmett

This last weekend we went to the Emmett Cherry Festival. (I didn't get any pictures dang it!) 
It was way fun. There were lots of different booths up and it was very fun to go and look at all the different things. It was also pretty fun to walk around through the carnival. We didn't go on any of the rides because the tickets are so darn expensive and we're trying to pinch pennies but it was still fun to hang out there with the "Carnival" atmosphere. 

We bought a small cup of cherries and let me tell you! They were DELICIOUS! We shared them as we walked around looking at things and Jake found it very amusing to spit the seeds at me. He managed to get one between my shirt and undershirt and now both are stained (thanks sweetie haha). But it's ok, it will come out and besides, it's a good story right? 

Anyway, we looked around the festival a little more and almost bought a raffle ticket to win an awesome restored mustang (I forget what year and everything. You'll have to ask Jake about that one). We ended up not buying a ticket but now we joke about how we probably would have won and then we could have upgraded our commuter car ;) For those of you that don't know, my Aunt Gail gave us her old 1990 Ford Thunderbird right before we got married. It has been a big blessing because it gets better gas mileage than the Tacoma and it's ok if we put 250+ miles on it each week with Jake driving to work and back because it is ancient of days. The odometer doesn't work in it and it stopped working at 233,000+ miles and that was a few years ago even. Anyway, we are kind of expecting it to die any day now but so far it keeps plugging along. It is pretty reliable so I don't think we'll need to replace it for at least another year or so. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it haha. 

Anyway, back to what I was talking about before the tangent on the car... Oh yes the Cherry Festival. After walking around for a little while we decided that we were starving and so we went to Subway for lunch. Something amazing that happened while at lunch is...wait for it.......I tried a new sandwich! For those of you that don't know my Subway usual, it is a 6 inch turkey on 9 grain honey oat (a recent upgrade from regular wheat) with no cheese, mayo, lettuce, cucumbers and olives. And that's it. Go ahead and laugh, it's ok everyone does when I tell them what I get. Jake has just started rolling his eyes now. But Saturday that all changed. I decided that I wanted to try something different so I got the Sweet Onion Chicken Teryaki sandwich with, lettuce, cucumbers, olives and Sweet Onion sauce. 

I liked it just fine, it had a little too much sweet onion sauce on it if you ask me but other than that it was decent. I will probably go back to my lame turkey sandwich though. I'm lame I know. My mom and Jake both blame my bland food preference on the fact that my mom fed me store bought baby food when I was little instead of what everyone else ate. I think they're full of it but that's ok :) 

Anyway, after my new adventure at Subway, we decided that we had seen all of the Cherry Festival that we wanted to see so we headed up toward Black Canyon. We went right below the dam and fished for a little while. I didn't catch anything (imagine that. I never do) but Jake caught a little 6 inch bass of some sort. He threw it back because it was so small but he was pretty excited. It was the first bass he had ever caught so the fishing part wasn't a total bust. This weekend some friends are coming up and we're going to go camping with them up in that area. We are also borrowing some canoes from my best friend's parents and taking them up. Hopefully we will catch some fish for dinner! Yum!! I will be back to report on the success of the camping trip next week and I will have pictures to break up my long windedness.

Catch ya next time! :)

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