Thursday, January 2, 2014

Family Pictures

 Hello! It's been a while since I last posted but I have been finishing up the semester and getting ready for Christmas. It's been crazy but fun! 

We went to my parents house for Christmas this year and it was great! We got a lot of things that are going to be so helpful! My mom got us a stick blender so I can make Tyler's food and not have to buy the expensive premade food. Plus it's a way better for him because it's fresh and doesn't have any preservatives. We got some other things that we have been wanting, some movies, some things for my crafty side and a lot more. It was great. 

While we were there my mom wanted to go out and do some family pictures because I bought my fancy new camera. I bought a remote for it so that we could all be in the shot without having to just use the timer function. I am so proud of how they turned out-especially because it was my first time really doing anything like this. I have a crazy idea of doing them more for other people but right now my schedule is so tight and I need to learn more before I would feel comfortable charging people for them. 

Anywhoo-here are the pictures we took! I want to figure out some other poses for the entire family so if you've got any ideas please pass them on!

I can't wait to take some more pictures so if you're interested let me know! I would love the practice! 

I will be posting more about how Tyler is 6 MONTHS OLD soon so stay tuned! 

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