Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We bought a new car!

Yep you read that right! We bought a new car! Well, it's a 2004 so it's not necessarily new but it's new to us! And I LOVE it!!! I like the T-Bird that we have but with it being a 1990 and a coupe and my being pregnant and it having so many miles on it and it not getting super wonderful gas mileage, we decided that we needed to get something different. So we have been looking around and I found a 2004 Dodge Neon for sale here in Rexburg in our price range. We went and looked at it on Monday and test drove it and then had our friend come with us on Tuesday to check it over and then we handed over the $3600 smack-a-roos and drove off with it! And I LOVE it! It drives so well, and it's easier to get in and out of. And it's a 4 door which means that I can get a car seat in the back much easier than I would have been able to in the T-Bird. The guy that we got it from said that it gets around 30 mpg on the freeway which is better than our other car.  

Here's a picture!! 

We got it licensed, the title transferred and insurance put on it and so we are ready to roll! It is so much fun to drive. 
So we are selling the T-Bird if anyone is interested. We just put a brand new battery in it this weekend and it still runs great! It will be posted on Craigslist, KSL and facebook so keep your eyes peeled! :)

In other news, school started this week and it's been going pretty well. I am just taking classes on campus Tuesday and Thursday and taking 3 online classes so I am home MWF which has been really nice. I get so much done around the house. I don't think I have ever finished laundry in one day like I did today. It was great! 
Jake likes his classes too. His Monday, Wednesday classes are killer because they are spread clear throughout the day. He starts at 7:45, comes home at 9 and then has a 2 hour break before his next class. Then he has an hour break between that and then two classes back to back until 5:30. It is long but he is doing great and Fridays he only has one class in the morning. It will be nice to be able to have a long weekend almost instead of being stuck in classes all day Friday :) 

Anyways, that's what's going on with us. Until next time!

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